Student Misconduct

Part P of the University General Regulations defines student misconduct and sets out exactly how formal allegations of misconduct are dealt with. In addition, they describe the University’s expectations of student behaviour as well as the potential outcomes and penalties that may be applied where it is determined that a student may have breached these Regulations.

Students should familiarise themselves with these Regulations so you understand the process followed and avenues to seek support and guidance if required.

It is important to note that the Student Misconduct Regulations fundamentally focus on re-education, rehabilitation and learning lessons.

One Community Values

At the University of Lincoln, we are One Community and strive to be kind, patient, and supportive of each other. Our One Community Values define our One Community ethos and are a framework to ensure that respectful and inclusive behaviours should be at the heart of all we do. We’re very clear on how we expect our students to conduct themselves

Our One Community values are:

Equality, Understanding, Listening, Kindness and Acceptance

What is Misconduct?

The University’s definition of student misconduct is behaviour by a student which adversely impacts the activities, functioning, and/or wellbeing of other students, University staff, its visitors, or the University community, or otherwise damages the University or its reputation.

Examples of the kinds of behaviour which constitute misconduct, including examples of sanctions dependent on the severity, are provided in Part P of the University General Regulations.

These Regulations are intended to address misconduct by students rather than to resolve disputes between individuals. Mediation or conciliation can be particularly helpful in resolving disputes involving students at an early stage and will be encouraged as a preliminary resolution.

Reporting Misconduct

For an allegation of student misconduct to be considered under these Regulations, a report must be made on the proforma which is available from the Governance Team and submitted together with all evidence that the reporting person wishes to provide in support of the allegation. It is the reporting person’s responsibility to ensure that they provide a detailed statement of events and all evidence they wish to provide in support at the point of submitting the form. Failure to do so may result in the case not being taken forward.

A report of alleged misconduct must be made within 3 months of the date of the alleged misconduct occurring.

It is essential that if the reporting person believes the matter is one which constitutes an offence under criminal law, that this is reported to the Police. The University has limited investigative powers and cannot prove a criminal allegation has or has not occurred. Any disciplinary action is undertaken as a breach of the University’s Regulations and is separate from and is not a substitute for a Police investigation or a criminal prosecution.

Prior to completing this form, students are encouraged to reach out and speak confidentially with the Student Support Centre, Student Wellbeing, or the Students’ Union Advice Centre for advice on options, or some personal support and guidance. Students can use the online tools available via the Student Services webpages to find out more information and seek guidance about how to access specialist services.

The University will not engage with a third party, such as a parent/guardian or other relatives, and consent cannot be given to act on behalf of the student under these Regulations owing to the need to safeguard the personal data and confidentially of parties for whom the University has such a legal obligation. Failure to keep student disciplinary information confidential is considered to be an act of misconduct and will be treated as such under these Regulations.

When a completed proforma is received, it will be determined whether:

  • The matter falls within scope of the Regulations as a matter of General Misconduct.
  • The matter falls within scope of the Regulations as a matter of Gross Misconduct.
  • The matter does not fall within scope of the Regulations.
  • Additional information is required in order to make the above determination.

The Governance Team are the determining authority as to whether an allegation falls within scope of these Regulations and under which, if any, definition of student misconduct. Explanations of the differences between the definitions and, the subsequent processes followed, including timescale, can be reviewed within the Student Misconduct Regulations.

Governance and Compliance